
Hello there.

This is Numberphile. We mainly post videos about mathematics and just numbers in general.

Mathematics and Coronavirus

Mathematics and Coronavirus

Additional information

The Royal Society's call to arms for mathematicians - https://royalsociety.org/news/2020/03/Urgent-call-epidemic-modelling/

NHS advice on Coronavirus and COVID-19 - https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/

Kit Yates website - https://kityates.com

Kit on Twitter - https://twitter.com/Kit_Yates_Maths

Ben Sparks on Numberphile - The Coronavirus Curve - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6nLfCbAzgo

3blue1brown on the exponential growth of epidemics - https://youtu.be/Kas0tIxDvrg

Tom Crawford on the SIR Model - https://youtu.be/NKMHhm2Zbkw

Kurzgesagt on COVID-19 - https://youtu.be/BtN-goy9VOY

Extended presentation by Nick Jewell for MSRI - https://youtu.be/MZ957qhzcjI

PODCAST: Gondor Calls For Aid - with Kit Yates

PODCAST: Gondor Calls For Aid - with Kit Yates

The Coronavirus Curve

The Coronavirus Curve