
Hello there.

This is Numberphile. We mainly post videos about mathematics and just numbers in general.

Wobbly Circles

Wobbly Circles

Matt Parker on circles and centres of mass.

The man who loved circles: https://youtu.be/AzmUCL1OHhs

Matt's signed book (& extra goodies): http://bit.ly/Matt_Signed
Amazon (US): http://bit.ly/Matt_4D_US
Amazon (UK): http://bit.ly/Matt_4D_UK

Discuss this video on Reddit: http://redd.it/2ftbcl

* Although correct, Matt does not use the most elegant method here, introducing more negatives than he would have liked. He apologises.

Correction: 45 degrees is equal to pi/4 radians

Friedman Numbers

Friedman Numbers

Stable Marriage Problem

Stable Marriage Problem